Summer Reading Clubs

Children, teens, or adults, there’s a summer reading club for everyone! 

Summer Reading Club runs July 1st to August 24th, 2024


How does it work?

Register: Register at your local library starting June 17th just by picking up a reading record! You can also participate online through BCSRC.

Read every day: For the 7 weeks of Summer Reading Club, children read, or are read to, every day. They can read whatever they want, whenever they want, for however long they want. All reading counts!

The benefits:Reading helps children develop important skills that make them more successful in school and in life. Our goal is to get children engaging with reading by making it fun.

All reading is valuable: Whether it’s an audiobook, a graphic novel, a comic book, or a magazine, it all helps – and it all counts as reading!

Earn prizes: For every 7 days that a child reads, they earn a sticker and an entry into the Grand Prize draw. If they read every day for all 7 weeks of summer reading club, they also earn a medal and a certificate.

We’re flexible: If your child misses a couple days, don’t worry! We run summer reading club from July 1st to August 24th, which gives children 8 weeks to accomplish their reading. They can catch up on missed days! The deadline to enter the prize draw is August 31st, so be sure to visit your library before then!

Want more of a challenge? Come to the library each week to pick up an optional challenge bookmark and earn more entries into the grand prize draw.


Love reading? Want a chance to win cool prizes? Join the TNRL Summer Reading Club! 

How does it work?

It’s super easy to take part in Summer Reading Challenge this year! Pick up a paper copy from your local TNRL library or download a digital copy of the Reading Record. Then, read every day for 7 weeks – it’s that simple! Return your record by August 31st to be entered into the Grand Prize draw.

Want more of a challenge? There are also optional reading challenges on your tracker to help keep your summer interesting, and help you earn more Grand Prize entries!


Whether you’re a speed reader or slowly working through your TBR pile, the TNRL Summer Reading Club is for you!

How does it work?

We’ve made Adult Summer Reading Club uncomplicated this year! You can either pick up a paper copy from your local TNRL library or download a digital version of the Reading Record. Simply read every day for 7 weeks or accumulate 49 hours of reading – the choice is yours! Submit your record by August 31st to be included in the Grand Prize drawing. 

Want more of a challenge? Check out the extra challenges included in the Record to earn more ballots for the grand prize drawing!

Group SRC (Childcare Centres)

Your childcare centre can take part in Summer Reading Club as  group! Read together to earn a prize for your centre.

How does it work? 

Register: Register at your local library starting June 19th and pick up a reading record!

Read as a group: For the 7 weeks of summer reading club, read as a group! All the reading that happens in your centre, whether in a circle time or silent reading time, can be counted each day. 

Children can also participate individually as well as in the Group SRC program.

Track your success: Pick up a copy of our free program tracking poster at your Library or download a copy. Celebrate as you read each week, whether you cross off each number or cover them in stickers. 

Win prizes: Read each week for a chance to win a prize! The prize packs include a variety of books, literacy tools, and educational toys for your centre. 

Let us come to you!

Kamloops Daycares can book an on-site Summer Reading Club program where our programming staff will deliver an SRC themed program at your facility. 

SRC Programs

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