Exam Invigilation

Writing a test or exam?  TNRL locations provide exam invigilation (proctoring) services on an appointment basis. Contact your local library to book a time or for more information. You can also ask your school for a list of other places where you can take exams.

Library staff can’t watch you closely during the exam or check the time for you. If you need a supervised invigilation you will need to find an alternative location.

Plan Your Exam

  • Arrange the exam with library staff at least one week before you plan to take your exam. 
  • Get permission from the library before you tell your school that you’re taking the exam there.
  • You will need to show ID when you take the exam.
  • Students are responsible for arranging delivery of the exam and exam instructions via secure email, post or courier. 

Exam Formats

  • You can take written exams at the library; students who need to take oral exams must find alternate invigilation sites.
  • Online exams shorter than 60 minutes can be taken on library computers. Note that library computers are located in busy public areas and automatically disconnect users after 60 minutes.
  • If your online exam is more than 60 minutes, you may need to use your own laptop/device, as approved by your school or institution. 

Important Notes

  • Library staff can’t watch you closely during the exam or check the time for you. If you need a supervised invigilation you will need to find an alternative location.
  • You can only take exams during regular hours. You need to start early enough so you can finish before the library closes. 
  • Exam invigilators can provide basic technical assistance for library Wi-Fi. Troubleshooting access to the exam institution’s website or portal is not provided.
  • Exam invigilation is free, but you will need to pay for the cost of printing out emailed exams (0.20 cents per page), and return of the exam, such as postage or courier costs.  
  • The library is a public place and cannot guarantee a quiet, distraction-free environment.

Public Meeting Rooms

  • Some libraries have meeting rooms, which can be booked for the purposes of exams.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to book the meeting room.
  • If you are booking a meeting room for an exam please note that in the booking form.

Public Meeting Rooms

Make sure you know the rules and follow them. Good luck with your exams!

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